Friday 3 August 2018


Happiness comes to me in the form of a gurgling kid,
Smiling up with wonder as I pretend to make magic with my eyes.
It’s in his implicit trust, cherub of face, innocent of guile,
His bubbles of laughter eliciting automatic giggles from me.
It shuts out my inhibitions and insecurities
for the period it takes me to sing ‘Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I love you tomorrow’
Happiness…. is innocent and pure.

Happiness hits me hard at the back of my throat,
The first slug of a cold brew on a hot afternoon,
Resetting the worries, dueling with the bile and cares,
Victoriously expunging them with the first full belch.
But happiness isn’t the flabby drunk, swaying endlessly,
Regaling unwilling ears with incoherently strewn exploits,
It’s not in the blissful ignorance, temporary forgetfulness of responsibilities
No. It is found in the camaraderie, the bond of socializers,
The easy conversations, banter, first dates and meetings.
Yes, Happiness is… friendship.

It comes not in the form of a fraudulently concluded deal,
Not in mountains of cash gained a la Pablo or Evans,
With victims strewn across the world in various shades of ruin
And pedestals mounted upon undeserving platforms.
It brings with it, the sheen of sweat, pride of accomplishment.
It dignifies, it uplifts, and is sure and deserving.
Happiness is…. Honest.

It is the heart beating in anticipation of the lover’s lips before that first kiss,
The warmth and security of the hug,
Of worries melting away while snuggled against each other,
The reassuring squeeze of a mother’s palm in a futile battle to contain joy,
Or the tears in a father’s shimmering, but proud gaze across the graduating aisle.
Happiness….. Loves.

Happiness is the wind rifling through your hair as you drive with the windows down,
Existing even when the destination is a liberating nothingness.
It resides in Maitama, curled up in bed with a book, serenaded by Andrea Bocelli on a rainy afternoon.
And equally present playing in the rain in the sandy streets of Gbaramatu.
Happiness cares not for Jew or Gentile,
It doesn’t demand, cajole or force.
It neither aspires nor schemes,
Happiness just…. Is.